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It's All About You!

Thank You!!! To everyone who came out and supported our Comedy Benefit for 1in9 Charities. We were able to pack out the house, evolve some great comedians, and even had a celebrity appearance by Louis Leonard Ex NFL Defensive end. 

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Over The Years.....

Jazrome has performed at 26+ events, made guest appearances, and told jokes for thousands. Ever experience is built unique for each client! It is an opportunity not only to entertain your guest, but offer a unique opportunity to educate about different Chronic Illnesses. We will cater to any event! These are our stories!

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The Beginning.

This dream of mine started with 1in9. They gave me the vison and I'll forever be grateful.

The Comeback.

July 2nd 2022, my life was change I received the gift of life. "New Kidney, New Me."

Recently featured in Canvas Rebel Magazine

Click here


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The Tribe.

This is truly an amazing book. I definitely recommend this read, It takes all of us to battle this disease. A family, a neighborhood, a Tribe, I can you my tribe is powerful.

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Delivering The Message

We all band together for this walk to outreach to the community. I love this mission. Delivering this message in such a way that it changes lives. That's what its about.

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Do You Know?

Sometimes you just have to dance for kidney disease. I was honored to perform at the 1n9 Kidney Walk.


Nephcure, is in a battle with a life changing disease. I should know I have it.



Sock It To Kidney Disease.

A campaign to sock it to Kidney disease. I'm always repin' I love socks.

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A Magical Place.

I've never been to Disney, but the love shown and the impact of the 2022 Nephcure Summit will be a forever favorite memory

Peoples And Advocates.

It's always been a team effort. I'm so grateful for the people I met. And experience advocates with similar stories.

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Nepchure 23' Champion

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The George Lopez Charity Golf Tournment!

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The Man, The Myth, The Legend!

I really say that because this man literally reminds me of Santa Clause. His kind heart and spirit of giving, so honored to meet you.

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Meeting The Stars!


It was such an honor to be apart of something so amazing. Truly a night with the stars to support kidney disease.

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